Featured on Neighbourhood Fixer

First time speaking mandarin live!
1) https://www.mewatch.sg/watch/Neighbourhood-Fixer-E4-Jurong-Bukit-Batok-195635
From the 38.00 mark (or 6.49 from the end)
First time speaking mandarin live!
1) https://www.mewatch.sg/watch/Neighbourhood-Fixer-E4-Jurong-Bukit-Batok-195635
From the 38.00 mark (or 6.49 from the end)
Read more on CaregiverAsia now! Click here, or on the title to view the article.
Patients under home-care include the elderly who have multiple chronic ailments and are too frail to seek treatment at the hospitals. Service providers are now boosting manpower and rolling out more services as demand goes up. Click here to see article.
Dr Lai Junxu is the caregiver – and also healthcare futurist! – of the week. Read more at Caregiver Asia facebook page.
Dr Lai Junxu was quoted in the news article Boosting Follow-throughs of Health Screenings on TODAY.